Reference Library - Production

The links below to references in the literature which include analytical aspects of philately. These may be very important because the name of books and papers are often not indicative of details of their contents.
Absorption/ReflectionColorimetryColorimetry of Overprints
CompositionComputer GraphicsElectron Microscopy
Environmental Effects on Philatelic MaterialsFormulationGum Analysis
Infrared and FTIRInkOverprints, Movable Type
Paper SciencePIXEPhotomicrography/Microsocpy
XRDXRFWet Chemical Analysis
ChromatograhyGas Chromatography-Mass SpecMass Spec
Post MarksVSC 6000/8000Luminescence
Floatation DensityPerforationsPigments

Chun, Tham YokeUse of Phosphor in Singapore StampsJournal of the Singapore National Academy of Science 16, 1987 pp. 115-117
Liston, Edward M.The 'China Clay' Variety of the 1908-1910 Washington-Franklin Issues?Collectors Club Philatelist, Vol. 84(3) 2005 pp. 141-146
Liston, Edward M.The "China Clay" Variety of the 1908-1910 Washington-Franklin Issue?Collectors Club Philatelist, Vol. 84(2)2005. pp. 105-112